As you know, networking is essential for growing your professional contact list and finding your next work opportunity. You may find difficulty socializing outside of work due to family obligations or not wanting to leave your comfort zone. However, in-person networking helps bring you referrals, new ideas, and additional connections to land your dream job. Here are three professional networking sites to help you find your next accounting position. makes networking easy. You can join groups with similar interests as you in major cities full of potential work connections. Participation in these events helps develop your communication, marketing, and other skills. You’ll connect with professionals who can introduce you to local business owners, enhance your reputation, and help expand your career. You’ll even have the opportunity to voice your opinion about how you’d like to see your groups evolve to better fit your and others’ needs through your discussions and experiences with other accounting members.
EventBrite can help you find accounting groups in your area as well. As with any networking group, you’ll be able to exchange information about current industry trends, continuing education, and any other topics you’d like to share. You’ll stay updated on new legislature, best practices, technology, and find out other information that’ll help you advance. Many networking events are free, but even the ones provided for a small fee are well worth the benefits you receive from participating.
Involving yourself in LinkedIn groups will connect you to the world’s top professionals so you’re more productive and successful. Be sure you connect with accounting networks that interest you most and follow event schedules so you can meet new contacts in person. You’ll build stronger relationships, know who’s hiring before it becomes public knowledge, and face less competition for jobs. Be sure you utilize all the access to news, updates, and insights that help you advance your career as well.
Because people hire people they know, it’s important you make new contacts face-to-face through these networking sites. For additional help landing your next career move, reach out to the professionals at Trimble and Associates today!
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