Thanking your accounting staff throughout each work day is one key to employee happiness and productivity. Making workers feel valued reminds them they are vital to your company’s overall success and encourages them to work at peak levels daily. Use the following five tips for showing gratitude and appreciation to your accounting staff.
Cash Bonus/Salary Increase
A cash bonus or salary increase is always appreciated for an employee’s hard work. Accounting workers who routinely take on additional tasks, exceed project expectations, and acquire new skills enjoy earning additional compensation. Increased income encourages staff to grow professionally, which increases their motivation for outstanding performance. Cash bonuses or salary increases show hard work literally pays off.
Verbal Praise
Verbal praise for specific actions is highly meaningful for staff members. Thanking workers for handling tasks that fall outside their job descriptions, showcasing employees’ accomplishments, or giving team members credit for proposing innovative ideas to help the company grow encourage strong and trusting relationships among staff members. As a result, team members’ motivation, productivity, and company morale increase. Verbal praise instills pride and encourages employees to work even harder than before.
Thank-You Card
A hand-written thank-you card mailed to a worker’s home or waiting on their desk is a small act that proves highly significant. Staff members feel more confident when receiving written recognition for performing tasks, which in turn increases productivity. Thank-you cards raise employee morale tremendously.
Employees always enjoy free lunch. Whether providing a buffet during lunch breaks, a sit-down meal at an employee recognition dinner, or simply stocking the staff kitchen with favorite snacks or beverages, workers will appreciate the visible recognition of their loyalty. Providing complimentary food is a great way to show your staff gratitude.
Casual Friday
Casual Friday is a no-cost, high-impact way to show employee appreciation. Allowing staff members to work in office-appropriate casual wear provides a more relaxed environment. Corporate culture is enhanced and workers feel more valued with Casual Friday.
Showing accounting staff your gratitude enhances workplace happiness, boosts confidence, and increases exceptional staff performance. Cash bonuses or salary increases, verbal praise, thank-you cards, food, and Casual Friday are five ways you can express daily thankfulness for your employees. Contact Trimble & Associates for more ways to show your accounting staff you’re grateful for them today!
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